School Info

Principal's Remarks

A Loving Heart, A Caring Soul, An Inquisitive Mind.


In this academic year, we are celebrating the 40th anniversary of our school. With the receding of the pandemic, we are finally able to hold the anniversary celebrations which, I’m sure, are going to be delightful and gratifying. The theme of our celebration is "A Loving Heart, A Caring Soul, An Inquisitive Mind." It embraces the spirit of our school’s educational policy, which we hope can be deeply rooted in every of our students’ heart. We aspire to equip our students with a noble character and moral integrity, and continuously improve their learning abilities so that they can cope with the upcoming challenges of the 21st century with their acquired knowledge and a positive attitude.


In 2023, "Generative AI" has become a hot topic. Given specific themes and prompts, AI technology can help "generate" the desired products within a short spell, including texts, presentations, images, videos, music, program codes and the like. While this may seem highly efficient, we must be prudent enough to judge the validity of these generated products. In an era of information explosion, we need moral wisdom to distinguish truth from falsehood. Even though AI can often generate impressive works, we should reflect on their sources of information and data, with a view to achieving a thorough understanding and impartiality.


We hope that students can learn with sheer passion, zest for truth, readiness to apply knowledge and skills, and the verve to enhance themselves through academic pursuits. Even in the face of negative information or unhealthy social trends, they can think independently and handle situations with ease.  AI is a product of social progress. It is important that students make good use of it as a learning assistant. At the same time, students should sensibly examine, reflect upon, and adjust the pace and depth of their knowledge acquisition. This concept of "metacognition" aligns with the teachings of the ancient Chinese philosopher Xunzi, who said, "君子博學而日參省乎己,則知明而行無過矣。"It’s precisely the same idea expressed in different wording.


In this academic year, we not only celebrate the 40th anniversary of the school, but also carry out various curriculum reforms. The establishment of the ICT & STEM subject is a case in point. It replaces the traditional computer subject and formally incorporates STEM education and the elements of AI programming into the original curriculum so as to broaden students’ exposure to cutting-edge technology. In addition, we have also promoted various information literacy activities through which students are encouraged to apply their related knowledge and thus achieve the mastery of it. Besides, the English Department has implemented an English Award Scheme to further increase students' opportunities to use English. We also have our English ambassadors actively engaged in various extracurricular English activities and external competitions. We uphold the school mission of nurturing our students with love and care, enabling them to make incessant progress through everyday learning. These reforms and measures aim to cultivate in students a comprehensive set of qualities that are conducive to students’ holistic development in terms of knowledge, skills and values. We believe that these reforms will provide students with more opportunities and resources, promising them success in their future academic development and personal growth. They are also prepared to serve society and make contribution to our motherland.


Finally, I hope that every teacher and student can take the opportunity of celebrating the 40th anniversary of the school to reflect on past achievements and experiences, envision future developments and derive opportunities from challenges. Let us join hands, work together, and craft a better tomorrow for the next generation.


Wong Shun Tak


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